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Get Involved at HGRUCC!

Hedrick's Grove Reformed United Church of Christ is very active. Our multiple ministries allow our congregation to "be the church" and serve others. We offer many opportunities for individuals to explore their relationship with God. Our ministries have curriculum focused toward specific ages and interests. Any of our groups would love to have you join them!

Youth Fellowship

Our Mission: To develop students in the 6th-12th grades into fully devoted followers of Christ

Our Vision: We are a unique community of students and leaders committed to letting God change our lives; change our friends’ lives; build the church; and impact the world.

Our Motto “Resist”  comes from James 4:7: “Submit yourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”  

Brad:; (336) 240-1743
Michelle:; (336) 596-4506
Or leave a message at the church office: (336) 746-5622

For more information contact our Youth Fellowship Leaders:
Brad and Michelle Hedrick


Young Adult Ministry

Crossroads Young Adult Ministry has a mission of meeting people where they are to share God's love. Each week, Crossroads Young Adult Ministry, a group of young adults, meets to explore and deepen relationships with one another and with God. These individuals who make up this group, aged 18-24 and graduated from high school meet twice a month via Zoom (in-person during the summer months).  

Men's Fellowship

Whether at a barbecue chicken fundraiser or Country Buffet Breakfast, -- the Men's Fellowship's two biggest fundraisers of the year -- the Men's Fellowship is always working hard to serve others. Away from these staple events in the church calendar, the Men's Fellowship meets monthly for devotion and to plan these events. Any men of the church are welcome join the Men's Fellowship.  


Women's Fellowship

The Women's Fellowship of Hedrick's Grove Reformed United Church of Christ meet monthly for a time of spiritual devotion. Along with monthly meetings, the Women's Fellowship has a constant presence in the Fellowship Hall kitchen preparing for their annual bazaar and bake sale and in the Educational Building, creating crafts. This lively group is open to women of any age! 

Grove Friends

Grove Friends, which encompasses students from Kindergarten through 5th Grade, meets monthly to allow these individuals to begin exploring what it means to follow God and develop a relationship with Him. Grove Friends teaches children in this age range about the Bible and prepares them for a future of joining the Youth Fellowship and following God. 


Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.  We practice year round, except in July. Join us!  We use SAB/SATB arrangements and have singers who read music, and some who sing by ear. The Chancel Choir embodies fun, faith, and fellowship in practice, knows the joy of singing from our hearts, and enjoys sharing uplifting lyrics and worship.  We come together to build relationships and create harmonies with each other and the church!

Handbell Choir

Our Handbell Choir is an important part of our ministry at Hedrick's Grove. An intergenerational group, the Handbell Choir loves to make music to praise our Lord and Savior!


If you are interested in ringing with the HGRUCC Handbell Choir, please contact the church office.

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