Our Church Staff

The Reverend David L. Crook
Pastor Emeritus

Patty Hedrick
Music Director

Trudy Vossburg-Keating
Organist/Handbell Director

Pixie Hughes Philemon
Administrative Assistant
Our Community
Hedrick's Grove Reformed United Church of Christ has a long, proud history of serving the community of Lexington. Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. We are open to worshippers of all ages and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God.

Our History
Hedrick’s Grove was officially organized on May 8, 1891, and welcomed into the North Carolina Classis of the Reformed Church that same year. The church was part of the Lower Davidson Charge, which then also included Beck’s, Mt. Carmel, Emanuel and Jerusalem congregations. Our current sanctuary is registered with the “National Register of Historical Places” of the U.S. Department of the Interior.