Important Update for our Church Family
The Consistory of Hedrick's Grove Reformed United Church of Christ would like to update our congregation on their efforts as we navigate these abrupt changes. For the foreseeable future, our worship services will be led by lay members of the congregation, and supply ministers will deliver the sermons. Shortly, we will begin the process of finding an interim pastor. In the meantime, the Consistory has formed a visitation team to ensure the needs of our elderly and shut-ins are met. This team will be led by Lucy Beck and Patty Hedrick, with The Reverend Butch Conrad joining to provide Holy Communion. In addition, The Reverend Alex Nance will be providing or arranging pastoral care for those in need. Thank you all for your support in this time of transition.

Welcome to
Hedrick's Grove
Reformed United
Church of Christ!

"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20 KJV